In 2008, I'd never heard of the country of Burundi. In 2009, I traveled there with a group of high school students and church members. We helped build mud-brick houses, volunteered at an orphanage, and ran a youth camp in the capital city of Bujumbura. Along the way, we learned more about the history and the people of the second poorest nation on earth. I feel privileged today to call some of those people my friends, and I am eager to let other people know about the great work that is happening there now as a result of some fantastic organizations those friends have poured their hearts into. Great Lakes Outreach, Youth for Christ, and Harvest for Christ are three organizations partnering together to meet the extreme physical and spiritual needs of a country ravaged by twelve years of civil war and abject poverty. A smile on the face of a Burundian citizen is inspiring, and I hope in the years to come, they will have more and more reasons to smile.